Friday, February 25, 2011

Greenville, SC International Motorcycle Show

The International Motorcycle Show (IMS) is coming to the Carolina First Center in Greenville, South Carolina next weekend (February 25-27, 2011).  Several club members have been asking about who from the club is planning to attend.  To assist, I have set up this post to list any club members who have plans to attend.  Her is who is currently planning to attend:

  • Jim Bain (Attending on Saturday only)
  • Tony and Jill Barcia (Attending on Saturday and heading home on Sunday)
  • Jerry Dockery (Spending Friday night in Columbia, SC and heading to the show early Saturday. Staying at the Days Inn Greenville,60 Roper Mountain Road, I-385 Exit 37, Greenville, SC.  Cell: 910-262-2843.)
  • Jeff Mense (Jeff and a couple others may head up to Clinton, SC Friday evening, then into the show Saturday morning and back to the beach by Saturday evening.)
  • Bill Pennington and wife (driving to Greenville Saturday and staying until Sunday)
  • Lee Shreve (Attending with a group from VA and NC)

If you need a little encouragement, check out these Picasa web album photos from this year's New York City IMS.


  1. Myself and a couple others may head up to Clinton, SC Friday eve then into the show Saturday morning and back to the beach by Saturday evening.

    Jeff Mense

  2. This is Jerry Dockery in Kure Beach. I am going to spend Friday night in Columbia, SC and head up to the show early Saturday. I will be staying at the Days Inn Greenville,60 ROPER MOUNTAIN ROAD
    I-385 EXIT 37, Greenville, SC 29607 My cell is; 910-262-2843.
